The I’s have it! iCodeBlog Now Has A Forum (for now)

August 7th, 2008 Posted by: brandontreb - posted under:Articles

OK, so 20-someodd votes for a forum has swayed me for now.  I went ahead and put up a forum on iCodeBlog.  This will be experimental as it’s such a sad site to see failing forums with a lack of participation.  With that in mind, I will set a goal:

If the forum has at least 50 registered users by next week 08/14/08 (which shouldn’t be that hard, the site already gets over 500 unique visits per day), it stays.  If not, I will take it down.  A forum takes a lot of work to maintain and attract new users.  I am willing to put in that effort, if there is enough interest.

So go fourth and register for the forums.

Happy iCoding!

  • Uhu

    Nice. thank you. come on guys, lets work :)

  • AmaR

    Yeah…! [:)]

  • Paul

    Drat! I wanted to go ‘fourth’ but more than three people had gone before me ;)