Posts tagged as: beginner
In Part 1 of this series, I will introduce you to the very basics of CoreLocation services and getting the location of the device currently being used.
About CoreLocation
The CoreLocation framework provides your app with the ability to get a device’s current location, provided the user of the device has granted your app access to that information.
Location services are provided in two major ways using this framework:
Standard Location Services– This service provides the most accurate location information using a variety of …
Recently, I came across and fell in love with the idea of using XCode 4 snippets. Up until I read the post, I had heard they existed, but never really tried them. After reading the post, I began using his snippets as well as started creating my own. Now, I would say that my work-flow is faster than ever.
Here is a quick demonstration of the power of snippets
It generates:
#pragma mark – UITableView …
As most of you probably know, UITableView’s are incredibly useful and versatile views to be using in your applications.
If you have ever tried to customize a UITableView though, you know that as soon as you start adding lots of UIViews, UILabels, and UImageViews to a cells ContentView, that these tableviews start to scroll slower and slower, and become choppier and choppier.
What we are going to explore today is how to remedy that situation.
To download the entire XCode project, you can …
In today’s post, we are going to be discussing view controllers. Let’s start by talking about what a view controller is and it’s role in your iOS projects.
What is a View Controller?
View Controllers are at the core of every application. They act as sort of the glue between your models and your views. View controllers are both responsible for fetching/initializing your models as well as loading up your views to display the information within them.
Basic View Controllers
Every …
Today I’m going to show you how to make a simple “Hello World” project on the iPhone. There are quite a few ways that this can be accomplished, however I am going to show you the way that I feel will be the most beneficial.
While I know many of iCodeBlog’s readers are veteran developers, this tutorial (and many in this series) are going to be geared towards the more novice developer. This group is often overlooked when it comes to …
For this tutorial, we are going to discuss the basics of getting set up for developing on the iOS platform. While there are many 3rd party tools that allow you to develop a number of ways, I am only going to discuss the officially supported ones from Apple. That being said, let’s get started.
The Hardware
The first thing you are going to need is an Intel Based Apple Computer running OSX 10.6.6 or better. Hackintosh computers have …
Wow, can you believe that it has been almost 3 years since I started iCodeblog!? It seems like just yesterday, That I wrote my very first tutorial in July of 2008. Now, iCodeBlog has multiple authors, hundreds of tutorials, and over 5,000 readers per day!
As you know, a few things (to say the least) have changed since we first launched iCodeBlog in 2008 with the way we develop for the iOS platform. With that being said, …

Hello iCoders, today I am going to be open sourcing a UITableViewCell we have created over at ELC that we have found to be very useful. When developing apps we have found that many times a form of some type is required. This is common in Registration forms, contact forms, feedback forms, etc. The problem was writing the same basic code over and over to have an elegant fast form experience for the user. To quicken the development time of these elements we created the ELCTextFieldCell class which facilitates the creation and flow of a larger form. In this post I will be walking you through the usage of the class.

Now, that the iPad has been released, I’m sure you are all scrambling for ideas on how to snag a piece of the maket in the imminent gold rush. iCodeBlog is going to help you on your journey with a series of iPad tutorials to come.
Since the iPad uses the same SDK as the iPhone, all of the code under the hood is almost identical. Actually, when looking at the new and changed API classes, you will realize that most of them are user interface related. This is good news for us since we have already been coding iPhone.
While this tutorial is called “Hello World”, it is really much more than that. I assume you already have working knowledge of iPhone/Objective-C programming.

A few days ago I came across this cool Pick Your Own Adventure game on from user . I decided to make a quick renewable application that used UIAlertViews and UIActionSheets to tell the story. We are going to implement the UIAlertView and UIActionSheet protocol methods in order to get the functionality we are looking for. This will be a short project but will show the important methods associated with these views.
Step 1
Start a new …