Posts tagged as: ipad programming

iPad Programming Tutorial – Hello World++

April 5th, 2010 Posted by: - posted under:Tutorials - 78 Comments

Now, that the iPad has been released, I’m sure you are all scrambling for ideas on how to snag a piece of the maket in the imminent gold rush. iCodeBlog is going to help you on your journey with a series of iPad tutorials to come.

Since the iPad uses the same SDK as the iPhone, all of the code under the hood is almost identical. Actually, when looking at the new and changed API classes, you will realize that most of them are user interface related. This is good news for us since we have already been coding iPhone.

While this tutorial is called “Hello World”, it is really much more than that. I assume you already have working knowledge of iPhone/Objective-C programming.


Who’s Up For Some iPad Coding?

January 27th, 2010 Posted by: - posted under:Articles - 10 Comments

Apple’s developer center is down for now. But, I can assure you we will be downloading the SDK as soon as it goes live.
Get ready for some iPad dev tutorials!