Posts tagged as: tutorial
The iPhone 4’s front camera is limited to 640×480 resolution. Although handy for video conferencing, for some apps that’s to small to yield a usable photo. Unfortunately the UIImagePickerController class does not have an option to restrict the user from using the front camera. Although you can check the size of the photo after the user is finished, it’s not great user experience to reject it after they go through the entire process of taking a photo.
One option is to …
Hey guys. So usually the posts we put up here involve screencasts and presentations, but we are going to start also posting small less time consuming pieces for the site. Today I bring to you a small project involving NSTimers. Today we are going to build an app that represents a horse race. We will create a view with 6 small UIView squares with a blue background at the bottom of the screen, we will use a timer to move …
This is the final installment of our 4 part series of creating a Todo list for the iPhone. In this tutorial, I will detail how to add and delete new todo objects from the SQLite database. Make sure that you have completed the following tutorials before you begin this one:
iPhone Programming Tutorial – Creating a ToDo List Using SQLite Part 1
This is part 3 in our multipart series of creating a todo list for the iPhone. For this, you must have completed the following tutorials.
iPhone Programming Tutorial – Creating a ToDo List Using SQLite Part 1
iPhone Programming Tutorial – Creating a ToDo List Using SQLite …
This tutorial is part 2 in our series of creating a to-do list. I will assume that you have completed the following tutorial and its prequisites.
iPhone Programming Tutorial – Creating a ToDo List Using SQLite Part 1
I will be using the code produced from that tutorial as a base for this one. When you are finished with this tutorial, your application will look something like this:
In this section, I will not only teach you how to …
The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to populate a UITableView with data from an array of objects. This will be the building block to display XML data as well as SQL data.
The theme of this application will be fruit. We will create an array of “fruit” objects that have some additional information besides the name. We will populate a UITableView with the names of the fruits. When the user selects a fruit …
This tutorial will focus on transitioning from one view to another. We will be utilizing Apple’s UINavigationController. I will be using the code from the “Hello World” tutorial that I previously wrote. So if you have not completed it yet, go ahead and do it and come back to this page. (It’s quick I promise). You can view it here.
In this tutorial you will learn:
Finally, we get to write some real code! In this tutorial, I will show you how to create an interface using Interface Builder and connect it to your code. We will be creating a UITextField, UILabel, and a Button. Now, don’t be intimidated that this tutorial is so long. I have really went into detail explaining everything as I go. You could easily scan over it and get the gist of it. Here’s how the application …
In this tutorial I will walk to you through creating a simple “Hello World” application using a UITableView for the iPhone. There are many ways that a Hello World program could be made on the iPhone, I am going to show you the simplest. This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of Objective-C. Apple has provided a very simple and straight forward tutorial on Objective-C. You can find it .
You will learn how to: