Interested in iOS programming? Join us on Reddit!

November 1st, 2010 Posted by: Collin - posted under:Articles

Over here at iCodeBlog we love Reddit. I enjoy /r/programming but often developers aren’t interested in the iOS stuff that we are. As a result today I created , go over there and submit articles, GitHub projects you are interested in, questions, code samples or just thoughts on development. This should be a good place to ask us questions or get other iOS developers feelings about things you are creating or finding.

  • Interested in iOS programming? Join us on Reddit! | iCode

    [...] Original post on iCodeBlog [...]

  • arty

    a first time programmer, need help in almost everything, appreciate your help..

  • Arif khan

    your help is appreciate

  • Jake Rocheleau

    just subscribed the subreddit looks amazing! Hopefully we can see more developers join over the coming months

  • gianna

    Long back I have joined Reddit, And also have an account there, I have n’t found this application since from so many days, after reading your blog i came to know the ios programming which is a new one, i will make sure to know more about that stuff,..