Torque Game Engine for iPhone

    July 25th, 2008 Posted by: - posted under:Articles

    An independent game developer known as has recently released their tried and true game development engine for the iPhone. They already have an engine for large platforms such as Mac, Windows, Linux, Wii, Xbox, and now they are expanding to the most up-in-coming mobile platfor ever; the iPhone.

    “Ready to make games for the iPhone?” is the tagline on their game engine site. They claim that “Making games for the iPhone is now a straightforward process using Torque’s proven 2D and 3D tools for game development”.

    GarageGames also boasts that they have added iPhone specific funtionality to Torque such as

    • Multi-touch Input Support
    • Touchscreen Gesture Recognition
    • iPhone Optimized Compressed Texture
    • Advanced Character and Shape Animations

    With this release, I hope to see some great (possibly free) games for the iPhone in the near future. They didn’t release specific pricing, but they boast that it will be affordable. So , and make WOW for the iPhone!