iPhone Programming Tutorial – Using A TabBarView To Switch Between Views

    October 13th, 2008 Posted by: - posted under:Tutorials

    In this tutorial I will show you how to develop a UITabBarController which contains a custom UIView from one of the tabs and a UINavigationController with a UITableView dictated byUISegmentControl in the second tab.

    This tutorial was contributed by the user . You can check out his website at

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    The final product of this tutorial should look something like this:

    Setting up the User Interface

    The first thing we need to do is open up MainWindow.xib. This will launch interface builder and show what our UITabBarController looks like. In the first tab we see a custom UIView that can be changed however we like, but we are more concerned about the second tab.

    Clicking on the TabBarController within the instance window of interface builder and then looking to the Inspector will let us set the type of view controller which each tab will be displaying. The first tab uses a ViewController, and for the second tab we want to use a Navigation Controller type because we will be utilizing the navigation bar to hold our segmented control.

    Once in the second tab, we will drag a UISegmentedControl out of our library and onto the navigation bar. The UISegmentedControl will change its look depending on the context you place it in. Here we will essentially be making the TitleView of the NavigationItem a UISegmentedView. This will be important when we get into our code.

    With that done, we click on the view of the second tab and set it to be identified as a SegmentedTableViewController or type UITableViewController. We will create that class later in xCode. With that set we drag in a UITableView and connect its DataSource and Delegate methods to our view controller which has now been defined as SegmentedTableViewController. That is all we need to do in interface builder.

    Going into xCode we do not need to modify any of the generated classes, however we do need to create a new one. Hit Apple + N and create a new UITableViewController called SegmentedTableViewController. This class will have the datasource methods for a UITableView all ready.

    In this class we are going to need an int called selectedSegment, this will be updated to represent which segment is selected. Within the main we need to uncomment the viewDidLoad method and enter the following code.

    This code gets the UISegmentedControl from the titleView of the navigationItem, and modifies it to add an action so that when the selected segment changes a method called segmentAction is called. The selectedSegment int is set to the initially selected segment and the titleView is reset with the modified UISegmentedControl.

    Next we need to create the method which the UISegmentedControl will call. Here is the code for that method, following the same syntax as a IBAction Method.

    This code takes the sender which will be out UISegmentedControl and gets the new selectedSegment from it and sets out variable to that value. Finally it tells the UITableView that something has happened and the data in the table needs to be reloaded.

    The final steps is to tell the UITableView that is will be displaying 100 cells and telling the returned cell for each row to have some text which is a product of the selected segment. I chose to have each cell read “I AM CELL (selectedSegment * indexPath.row)”. This essentially means that when segment 0 is selected every cell will read.

    I AM CELL 0

    When segment 1 is selected the cells will read.

    I AM CELL 0

    I AM CELL 1

    I AM CELL 2


    When segment 2 is selected the cells will read.

    I AM CELL 0

    I AM CELL 2

    I AM CELL 4

    I AM CELL 6

    ….segment. I chose to

    The code to make this happens is…

    You can download the source for this tutorial here. icodesegmentcontrol