Debugging a memory increase, using Generational Analysis

November 19th, 2013 Posted by: - posted under:Articles » Tutorials - 6 Comments

I was recently working on an internal project for Burnside Digital, and decided it was time to do some memory profiling to make sure that I didn’t have any leaks. I ran the program with the ‘Leaks’ tool of instruments, and as I was watching the Live Bytes column, I saw the number of Bytes being used, slowly but surely increasing as time went on. Instruments wasn’t detecting any leaks, so I knew this wasn’t going to be a straightforward leak …


    DICE+, rocketships and a giveaway.

    July 6th, 2013 Posted by: - posted under:Tutorials - 7 Comments

    I received my developer kit a couple weeks ago and was excited to get to testing. What is DICE+? DICE+ is a bluetooth connected, smart, 6 sided die that is made out of materials safe to roll directly on your devices. It has a 20hr battery which powers a bunch of cool sensors like accelerometers, magnetic field sensor, touch sensitive faces, and a few more. The built in anti-cheat protection makes sure each roll is …


      Tutorial: Asynchronous HTTP Client Using NSOperationQueue

      October 19th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Articles » Tutorials - 11 Comments

      Recently here at ELC, we’ve been working on an app that requires a lot of server interaction, which has been a learning experience for managing threading, server load and connectivity. With any type of application in which users are interacting in complex ways, such as a free dating site or a local sex site or app, server load and constant connectivity will be test. In order to keep the app performant and responsive while sending a large number of requests and aggregating a large set of data, our team had to intelligently manage and prioritize network interactions.
      This is where helps out. This class relies heavily on Grand Central Dispatch …

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        Adding an OpenGL ES view to your project using NinevehGL

        September 7th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Tutorials - 7 Comments

        Recently I came across an openGL ES 2.0 engine that made setup, displaying and animating of 3D objects a breeze, called .  This 3D engine has many great features including a full multithreading environment, to keep the main run loop free during object rendering,  motion tweening, object groupings, custom lighting, materials and textures, custom shader support,  and native support for augmented reality, just to name a few. Another major benefit is the ability to import both wavefront …

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          5 Third Party iOS Libraries I Have Found Useful Lately

          August 24th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Uncategorized - 3 Comments

          As I mature as a developer, I try to rely on other people’s code more an more. Why build something from scratch when a solution already exists that you can fit in your project. In , I used 13 3rd party libraries and am using quite a bit more in the project that I’m currently working on. I figured that I would share some of the libraries that I have been using so that …

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            5 Third Party iOS Libraries I Have Found Useful Lately

            August 24th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Articles - Comments Off on 5 Third Party iOS Libraries I Have Found Useful Lately

            As I mature as a developer, I try to rely on other people’s code more an more. Why build something from scratch when a solution already exists that you can fit in your project. In , I used 13 3rd party libraries and am using quite a bit more in the project that I’m currently working on. I figured that I would share some of the libraries that I have been using so that it might save …

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              Unzipping Files In iOS Using ZipArchive

              August 13th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Tutorials - 20 Comments

              In this tutorial, I am going to demonstrate how you can zip and unzip files from within your iOS applications. We will be using a third party library called ZipArchive to achieve this. While there are a couple solutions out there to zip and unzip files, I feel that the ZipArchive library was the fastest and easiest way to get up and running.
              Why Would I want To Unzip Files?
              That’s a great question. There are a number of …

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                Using Method-Swizzling to help with Test Driven Development

                August 8th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Articles » Tutorials - 1 Comment

                In this blog post I will demonstrate how to mock HTTP requests using an Objective-C runtime dynamic method replacement technique known as method swizzling. I will show how this can be used in tandem with some unit test technologies to help with development of iOS web-service client side code.
                In this example, the actual work of the HTTP request is embodied in my AsyncURLConnection class. It uses NSURLConnection to perform an NSURLRequest in an asynchronous manner, using completion handler blocks to return …

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                  How To Become An Indie Game Developer

                  June 13th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Articles - Comments Off on How To Become An Indie Game Developer

                  What programmer doesn’t want to be an indie game developer? These are fun creative projects that allow us to pull out our full bag of tricks. While cutting my teeth on dating sites and hookup apps like, which include adult mobile games, we were able to glean into the world of game development. Many games followed and lots of insights were acquired along the journey . Here is a great article with tons of tips to help you on your way.


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                    How to Add GPS to Your iOS App – Part 1

                    June 4th, 2012 Posted by: - posted under:Tutorials - 10 Comments

                    In Part 1 of this series, I will introduce you to the very basics of CoreLocation services and getting the location of the device currently being used.
                    About CoreLocation
                    The CoreLocation framework provides your app with the ability to get a device’s current location, provided the user of the device has granted your app access to that information.
                    Location services are provided in two major ways using this framework:

                    Standard Location Services– This service provides the most accurate location information using a variety of …

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